Rhema Crossword (Why I Believe Jesus – Ravi Zacharias Part-1)

Crossword answers in the above video
Finish all 21, get 25 points, which is equivalent to 25 rupees worth chocolates !!
2. set of statements don't contradict each other (2)
3. desire within you to carry this message
6. murdered
8. important for daly life (2)
10. A medical doctor asked, have you been to this place ?
13. 14,000
16. empty stares
18. man who removed the testicles of the boys
20. cocentration camp mentioned by Ravi
21. cocentration camp mentioned by Ravi
1. set of statements don't contradict each other (1)
4. place where Ravi Zacharias  was invited during Cold war (1)
5. Ravi Zacharias was addressing a group of people (1)
6. important for daily life (1)
7. very skinny boys
9. ideas important for living
10. time available
11. pictures of boys whose testicles (balls) were removed
12. place where Ravi Zacharias  was invited during Cold war (2)
14. Ravi Zacharias was addressing a group of people (2)
15. the point where theory is validated enough by observable facts(2)
17. the point where theory is validated enough by observable facts(1)
19. stored in glasses

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